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CALM and AGC Webcast16 November 2012

What do you need to know about the CALM Act by this December? This webcast with John Pichitino details the CALM Act for broadcast television stations, LKFS targets, Dialnorm and logging requirements. Q&A at the end.

BrightEye 72 Overview - Portuguese 7 November 2012

Ensemble Designs mostra como ter todas as funções de um monitor professional em um monitor convencional…o melhor de tudo isto é que você não compromete o orçamento. Clique aqui para maiores detalhes com Joao Melo.

Kit to Ship: A Board's-Eye View at Ensemble Designs13 June 2012

A board’s-eye view of the Ensemble Designs manufacturing process — from the viewpoint of a BrightEye 72 SDI to HDMI Video Converter. A POV treat, you get to travel with the BrightEye 72 from bare board to solder paste to board stuffing and test.

The New Avenue Layering Engine10 April 2012

iPad control and serial interface make it easy to integrate into your broadcast, presentation and truck projects. With two, independent linear keyers, program/preset background transitions, and audio mixing and breakaway. Realtime processing and low latency…

Do I Need a GPS for My Reference Generator? 2 February 2012

For the ultimate precision in broadcast television reference signals, use a GPS with your sync pulse generator. Here’s why it’s more accurate than a typical internal precision standard.